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Chocolate or Peanut Butter? What's Your Favorite Flavor of Fudge?

If you’re looking for a tasty treat that’s easy to make, fudge is definitely for you! That’s why it’s such a favorite for so many. To celebrate National Fudge Day, Williamson Forward asked folks in town about their favorite types of fudge and even got some tips from fudge experts.

Peanut Butter vs Chocolate-- The Age-Old Debate

While there are plenty of other flavors for your fudge (even caramel or butterscotch!), peanut butter and chocolate are the two classic flavors, and for most people, there’s a clear favorite.

Liberty Faith Justice of A Dash of Faith Cakes prefers peanut butter, but also loves some marshmallow chocolate fudge, while Heather New, the owner and operator of Trail 10 House and ATV Tours prefers a nice, rich chocolate fudge. “The more rich chocolate the better!” she says.

Amy Dearfield-Hannah of the Mingo County Family Resource Network prefers the best of both worlds. “My mother-in-law makes a fudge that is beyond delicious,” she says. “She makes a layer of chocolate fudge and tops it with a layer of peanut butter fudge. It is amazing!”

Recipes and Tips

Chris Dotson, Local Coordinator for Williamson Forward, enjoys a recipe that combines only three ingredients-- vanilla frosting, smooth peanut butter, and Reese peanut butter baking chips. To make this easy recipe, mix the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave for a minute, stir your mixture, and pour into a wax-paper-lined dish.

If you prefer a more traditional recipe, Cathy Hardin, a pharmacy tech at Hurley Drug Co., has some tips. Never stir your milk and sugar-- allow your mixture to come to a slow boil, and then drop a spoonful of your mixture in a cup of cool water. If the milk and sugar form a ball, then it’s ready to be added to your peanut butter. “And I never measure,” Cathy says, preferring to prepare ingredients by eye.

No matter how you prefer your fudge, we hope you enjoy National Fudge Day! Why not celebrate by making your own favorite recipe?

The delicious peanut butter fudge pictured was made by Mary Jo Dudley.

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