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International Mountain Day: Our Mountain Home

“You are not in the mountains, the mountains are in you.”- John Muir, Author & Naturalist

Living in southern West Virginia, we feel that quote deep in our souls. As we look around at the mountains we call home, we see many things. A playground filled with trees to climb in the summer. A hike with magnificent views on a fall day. The beauty of freshly fallen snow on the mountaintops in the winter. The lush green leaves as they bloom in the spring. Visitors often come for the fantastic trail riding but find these mountains are more than trails. Our mountains are the beauty of nature in all its glory.

What Do You Love About Our Amazing Mountains?

“What I love about these mountains is just the way they remind me how small and insignificant I am in the grand scheme of things. Looking up at the giant mountains reminds me just how big this world is and helps me stay humble. Every time I look up at the mountains I think the same thing...just how big and beautiful this place we call Earth is.”- Jarrid McCormick

“What I love about these mountains are what they represent for me. Having traveled all over the world in the military, when I see these mountains it means I'm home. Back to small-town living and good old country hospitality.”- SFC. Michael Runyon

“I grew up in these mountains all my life. A lot of people say it loosely, but it's truly ingrained into your heart and soul. It's a unique lifestyle. I feel protected, at home, and free in these valleys and "hollers." When I take a trip through the mountains it opens my eyes even more to how blessed I am to say these mountains run through my veins. I love hearing out-of-state people compliment how the attitudes of those who live in these mountains are so friendly and caring. Many of us have seen rock bottom more than once and I've seen our people come together to help each other, even if it was the last dollar they had. John Denver said it better than anyone "life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze." These mountains talk to you. If you stop and listen, they can be a medicine that no doctor could ever prescribe.”- Mike Wilson

“Montani Semper Liberi”- Mountaineers are Always Free (WV State Motto)

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