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Learn, Play, Grow: A Garden Experience

Soil, Sunshine, and Worm Poop, Oh My!

When most people think of a good time, the words “worm poop” probably don’t come to mind, but it was a pretty exciting topic for kids who attended Learn, Play, Grow: A Garden Experience. The camp took place on July 8-9 and again from the 10-12. Kristin DeBoard lead kids through a variety of activities teaching them about soil, sunshine, microbes-- and yes, worm poop, which she describes as a favorite among kids.

The Kids of Today are the Farmers of Tomorrow

“Today’s kids are our future farmers!” Kristin says. She believes that if you teach kids to garden in their own backyards now, they’ll grow up to farm food for their communities, which is why Learn, Play, Grow is so important to her.

Kids at the camp learned “a little bit of everything” about the basics of gardening, says Kristin, including what is necessary for a successful garden, the parts of plants, and the growth cycle of the food they eat. Her favorite part of the camp was taking the kids on a tour of Ramella Garden, where the event took place, to show them all of the different fruits and vegetables that can grow in one place.

Kristin will teach a Learn, Play, Grow mini camp in Lenore, WV on July 23, where kids will plant flowers and learn to build flower boxes. Those interested in learning more or bringing their kids can visit their Facebook page. To read more about Learn, Play, Grow: A Garden Experience, visit here.

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