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National Wear Red Day

For many, February is a time when love is in the air, and hearts are on everyone’s mind. This is mostly thanks to Valentine’s Day, but it’s also because the first Friday of every February is National Wear Red Day. On National Wear Red Day, the American Heart Association encourages everyone to wear red to raise awareness about women’s heart disease. Of course, the day isn’t all about wearing red. It’s also about learning about heart disease, and helping to share the information with folks you know.

Be Your Healthiest Self

The most important thing you can do to celebrate Wear Red Day is schedule a doctor’s appointment to learn more about your own heart health. You can talk to your doctor about habits you might need to change, and make a plan to be your healthiest self. It’s also a good idea to learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in women, which are available on the Go Red For Women website. Make sure your friends know the symptoms as well, as they can often be different for women!

Another way you can celebrate Wear Red Day is to take a few minutes for yourself. Taking a few moments to de-stress, or squeeze in some exercise, can make a big difference! Of course, the easiest thing you can do to celebrate Wear Red Day is to wear red! Be sure to post your best selfie with the hashtag #WearRedandGive to raise awareness and encourage your friends to show support.

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