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Seedy Saturday Seed Swap Preview

Swapping Seeds and Knowledge

For those in town interested in trading seeds with local farmers and learning something along the way, the Seedy Saturday Seed Swap will be the place to be. The swap will include multiple workshops, including Backyard Dairy Production, Maple Syrup Making, and Marketing Your Farm for Events. Each workshop will be a 20 minute breakout session with some basic info on their topics. “So not too in-depth, and they should appeal to the general population,” says Kristin DeBoard, one of the event organizers. Kristin says she is looking forward to the Backyard Dairy workshop most of all.

In addition to the workshops, the Seed Swap will feature a variety of local vendors, some of whom will be attending for the first time. This year, Mingo Central High School Students will be bringing baked goods, such as pepperoni rolls and cinnamon rolls, as well as French Bread Loaves. Of course, the event will be all about the seed swap, so all day folks will be set up in the middle of the room trading seeds.

The Seedy Saturday Seed Swap will be on March 7, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the City Gym in the upstairs room. Farmers at the market have been swapping seeds every Spring since around the start of the Farmer’s Market, but this will be the third year that the Seed Swap will include vendors and workshops. Organizers try to select vendors and workshops that they think will be interesting for those in attendance, or things that they might not get to do in the area otherwise. If you’re interested in the Seed Swap and want more info, check out their Facebook page!

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