Group motorcycle rides are always fun, but when it’s for a great cause it makes the ride so much more fun! On Saturday, August 24th Mountain State Harley Davidson will be hosting their Ride for Underprivileged Children.
The Cause
Mike Wilson of Mountain State Harley-Davidson says the shop teamed up for Christmas 2018 to do an angel tree event.
“The Underprivileged Children Foundation is constantly helping the children in West Virginia and bikers are known for riding for causes and being extremely generous, together we can make a difference with this event. “says Mike Wilson of Mountain State-Harley Davidson.
MSHD representative, Shane Keefer says this ride is important to him and the MSHD family because of the important work the Underprivileged Children Foundation does.
Keefer explains, the Foundation serves 13 counties in West Virginia, with Mingo County being one of the largest counties served. Working closely with child protective services, the Foundation cares for and provides food and clothing for children in need due to abuse and neglect. Starting with a group of people from Southern West Virginia, the Foundation has a goal of taking care of children across the state.
Join the Ride
The poker run style ride happens on Saturday, August 24th and will be led by the MSHD Southern Appalachian Harley Owners Group Chapter. The ride will begin and end at the Harley shop. Registration at the shop will take place that morning from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. and kickstands up at 11:30 a.m. The cost for a single rider is $20.00 and rider with a passenger is $25.00.
Find more information on the ride at the Mountain State Harley-Davidson Facebook Page
To learn more about the Underprivileged Children Foundation go to their web page at