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Holiday Road Runners Group Run Series

The holiday season is a time to eat, drink, and be merry--and for some folks in Williamson, to run. The Tug Valley Road Runners Club is hosting a series of 3 holiday-themed group runs for the second year in a row. The runs are free and designed to be friendly to walkers and those with pets.

Bringing Holiday Cheer

The series came from wanting to recognize the holiday season and give runners a special way to spend time with friends and family. The first run, Earn It Before You Eat It, takes place on Thanksgiving Day (November 28th) and is followed by a Christmas Eve Eve Run, and The Hangover Run on New Year’s Day. TVRRC president Alexis Batausa describes the event as a way to bring people together. “They bring friends and family together, and bring cheer towards the holiday season.”

Each race has a different course, so participants in the full series will run through various parts of Williamson. Earn It Before You Eat It takes runners through South Williamson, while Christmas Eve Eve will start and end at the Williamson Field House. The Hangover Run’s course will run around the Flood Wall and Armory Road in West Williamson. Participants in the series are encouraged to register for the event to receive a Christmas-themed medal. This year, the medal will feature the leg-lamp from the holiday classic, A Christmas Story. Alexis also emphasizes that participants in the races can run or walk any distance and that they offer a course for everyone.

No Pressure...and plenty of Hot Chocolate

Alexis believes that these races have a different feeling from some of the other, more competitive races the TVRRC offers. “With it being free and during the holidays, it brings different types of participants. There’s no pressure at all, just having fun.” The holiday races are full of “fun, laughter, adrenaline, and trying to stay warm,” And Alexis says that they’re “all about the hot chocolate in the end.”

If you’re interested in registering for the races to get some of that hot chocolate, visit their Facebook page.

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