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In Your Words: #NationalDayofEncouragement

According to NationalDayofEncouragement.Com, September 12th has been designated as a day to remind us that encouragement matters. It’s a day to lift others up and say thank you to those that encourage us.

Are you an encourager or do you know someone that is a natural encourager? Has someone given you advice that has stayed with you? We talked with a few folks around Williamson to find who or what has been an encouragement to them.

Sometimes, a grandmother’s advice means everything.

“My grandmother encouraged me, no matter the situation, to always put myself in the other person’s shoes in order to have a clearer perspective of every situation. I’ve applied that advice to every aspect of both my personal and professional life and feel that it’s fostered a selflessness that’s been an effective relationship-building tool.” – Leasha Johnson

..and sometimes a Dad has a saying that sticks with you for the rest of your life…

“My dad used to say, ‘dust yourself off & move on’. I guess that was more influential than I realized until just now, “says Jessica Hackney

For many, it’s a teacher that makes a lifelong impact on a student

“Someone who has encouraged me was Lillie Teeters, an English teacher at Southern West Virginia Community College. She really encouraged me to find my voice and use it in all that I do,

from the creative field to everyday life and for that I’m grateful.” – Zoe Yates

“The Lord is my strength and my shield”- Psalm 28:7

Jami Lee Howard looks to God for her constant encouragement and, in return, offers the same to those needing encouragement.

“For me, the best advice I’ve been given & have given always goes back to Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.” To me, this verse applies to every person in every stage of life. We’re either in a battle, coming out of a battle, or heading toward a battle.

At any point holding onto this promise from God will sustain us through the bad times & help us feel immense gratitude for all the goodness we’ve been blessed with, giving us the strength, courage & hope for the future.”

What encouraging advice do you have for others?

David Jewell gives two pieces of advice.

“I tell my son, Derek, ‘You can’t study for a B and pray for an A.’ Another that I tell Derek and my Sunday School Class is, ‘He who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how".

“I would encourage anyone to take things with a grain of salt or let negativity roll off your back. It's not so easy when it’s your "brainchild", for me that would be when one of my businesses, Coal Country Concierge or Hatfield-McCoy Inn, get a negative comment. Sometimes, it's something

that's easily fixed, and sometimes it's a mind that cannot be changed. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve and let any negativity ruin my life for weeks. It's counterproductive. You have to keep trucking along. I promise if you stay positive, and work hard, opportunities will continue to come,” says Jessica Hackney.

Finally, Shelby Porter offers this encouraging thought, “My advice wasn’t necessarily given to me by a specific person, but I always live by the motto, “Bloom where you are planted.” When people have something negative to say about our town and the people in it, I always want people to know- If you want to make it better, it starts with you.”

Help and inspire others. A kind word of encouragement can brighten a day or change a life.

Take time today to encourage others and thank those that have encouraged you, but don’t let it end at midnight. In the Bible, Barnabas is known as The Encourager. Be a Barnabas every day.

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